
1. Gathering and sharing information

1.1. Seminars
VerV organises 5 seminars each year. A new years seminar reflects on good practises of the previous year. There are three seminars or "ergodays" with a regular theme: office, healthcare and industry. A masterclass focusses explores a specific topic for the experts in ergonomics.

1.2. Newsletter
Each month a newsletter is sent to 450 interested subscribers. In this way members are informed about the activities of the society and recent news facts of ergonomics. Every newsletter there is a portrait of a member to get know each other somewhat better.
1.3. Practical guidelines
VerV also developed practical guidelines around office design and the risk assessment of patient handling. In the working groups a consensus is discussed. The relevant organisations and companies are also invited to give input.
2. Collaborating in the organisation of ergonomics courses
2.1. Basic course in ergonomics
VerV has developed a learning pathway with attainment targets. In this way the base of ergonomics is determined that every health and safety officer master should achieve. For the existing officers VerV organises this course seperately to update their knowledge.
2.2. Specialisation course at academic level
In 2017 a new specialisation course in ergonomics at academic level started in Flanders. The content is based on the educational requierements to become a European Ergonomist. It is a combination of theory and practise with self study and learning on the workfloor.
3. Bringing together ergonomists
3.1. Largest network of ergonomists in Belgium
VerV is the largest network of ergonomists in Belgium. Since the foundation in 2016 the society underwent a rapid growth. Strategy is stimulating communication and exchanging information between the members.
3.2. Cooperation with the healthy and safety society
There is also a formal cooperation with Prebes, a society of 6000 health and safety officers. In this way the message of ergonomics reaches a large public. VerV also provides the speakers around ergonomics at their quarterly event.
4. Advise policy makers
To advise the policy makers, VerV is associated with Cobeprev. This is a consortium of all professional societies in Belgium around wellbeing at work. Joining the forces and supporting each other, the consortium advices with a stronger voice the government, educational stitutes and other external partners.


Presentaties studiedag "Goede praktijken in ergonomie" 2018

Om het jaar goed in te zetten organiseerde de VerV op 23 januari 2018 zijn jaarlijkse studiedag "Goede praktijken in ergonomie" of de Nieuwjaarsontmoeting. Lees hieronder de presentaties en bekijk de sfeerbeelden. Gezonde kantoren volgens de WELL standaard Evelien Koekkoek, ...
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Inzendingen "Goede praktijk ergonomie 2016"

Met 20 inzendingen kende deze eerste prijs voor "Goede praktijk ergonomie 2016" een mooie respons. Opvallend was het brede publiek dat met ergonomie bezig is: van preventieadviseur niveau I tot II, van bachelor LO tot master productontwikkeling, van studerende tot werkende ergonoom... Hieronder een...
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Start nieuwe Vlaamse Ergonomie Vereniging - VerV

De Vlaamse Ergonomie Vereniging is gegroeid uit de Nederlandstalige vleugel van BES. De dynamiek die de voorbije jaren werd opgebouwd, wordt verdergezet in een zelfstandig netwerk. Op deze manier kunnen een aantal specifieke doelen duidelijker gerealiseerd worden: - uitwisselen van kennis en...
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