10-10-10 campaign


On 10 October at 10 a.m. we all stand up for 10 minutes. 

Would you like to join us? We would like to ask everyone with a sedentary job to collectively change their working posture for 10 minutes at 10 a.m. on 10 October. Meaning: take a 10-minute break from sitting, and stand up or move around instead.
Show us on 10 October how you change your working posture by sharing an original photo on social media with #switchpostures. You could win a desk riser from Health2Work to help you switch between working postures even more efficiently!
Would you like to join us? We would like to ask everyone with a sedentary job to collectively change
their working posture for 10 minutes at 10 a.m. on 10 October. Meaning: take a 10-minute break
from sitting, and stand up or move around instead.
Show us on 10 October how you change your working posture by sharing an original photo on social
media with #switchpostures. You could win a desk riser from Health2Work to help you switch
between working postures even more efficiently!

Why change your working posture?

A small effort, with proven effects: you burn more fats and calories, protect your body against cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and strengthen your muscles, reducing the risk of back pain. What’s more, your energy levels go sky high.

Changing working postures: 5 tips 

1. Standing at work works!

Taking an occasional break from sitting and working while standing is particularly effective when using a sit-stand desk. Do you spend too much time in your chair? Stand up, place your desk at elbow height and notice an immediate energy boost, just by standing up straight. If you don’t have a sit-stand desk, take regular breaks from sitting: go get a glass of water or go outside for a moment. Instead of e-mailing or calling your colleague in the office, you could walk over to them if you want to ask them something.

2. Online meeting? Don’t just sit there!

Is the meeting held digitally? No problem: put your laptop on a bookcase – or on an ironing board or the kitchen sink if you work from home – and attend the meeting standing.
Good to know: most online meeting tools have an app so you can join meetings on your smartphone. This way you won’t be glued to your chair during all those meetings, you could even drop in on a meeting while on a walk.
A phone call is the perfect opportunity to take a break from sitting, or to stretch your legs or walk around, even at home. Make it a habit! It won’t cost you any time and you’ll gain some steps on the pedometer. When it’s nice outside, get some fresh air and some sunshine while on the phone: double the benefit!

3. Try a chairless meeting

If you’re going to have a short meeting, why not make it a chairless one where you stand? You’ll reach better decisions and the meeting will be over quicker. No need to stay in your seat during longer meetings either. Stand up regularly and encourage your colleagues to do the same. Don’t forget to take plenty of breaks during long meetings and take the opportunity to stretch your legs.

4. Exercise during your (lunch) break

Take plenty of time in the afternoon to eat and take a break. And you don’t necessarily have to sit down for it: you could eat your lunch standing up at a high table. Or supercharge your lunch break even more by taking a short walk or bike ride to pick you up. If you work in an office, get some colleagues together for this. Also take regular breaks outside of lunch, to get away from your chair and screen. This will keep your body and mind fresh enough to continue working.

5. Choose active travel options

Try not to use the car to go to work. If it’s too far to go by bike, see if you can do part of your journey on foot, by bike or by public transport. In short: avoid traffic jams, choose sustainable mobility options and spend less time sitting still.
If you work from home and cycling or walking to work is no longer an option, go outside anyway, before or after work or during a break. Go for a bike ride alone or with a family member or go for a walk: it will energize your body and clear your head. Because being outside does wonders for your mood. It will also give you your daily dose of vitamin D, which is good for your resistance. Win-win!


Getting the working environment ready for changing working postures? The practical office design guideline gives concrete recommendations for designing the office and teleworking environment ergonomically and creating opportunities for changing working postures.


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